氧化铁绿 氧化铁绿 氧化铁绿
中文介绍:氧化铁绿广泛用于建筑工业、建筑材料、油漆、塑料等的着色,用于染料、油漆、水泥制品、涂料的着色 。
中文介绍:氧化铁绿广泛用于建筑工业、建筑材料、油漆、塑料等的着色,用于染料、油漆、水泥制品、涂料的着色 。
氧化铁绿 氧化铁绿 氧化铁绿 氧化铁绿
氧化铁绿 氧化铁绿 氧化铁绿 氧化铁绿
English Introduction:Iron oxide green is widely used in the construction industry, building materials, paints, plastics coloring, used in dyes, paints, cement products, paint coloring.
Water-based paint: different colors according to the amount of configuration. Products with good dispersion, storage stability, and application of the system has good compatibility with other ingredients, can enhance the anti-rust paint, anti-UV properties.
The amount of pigment in paint formulations Reference: Primer 25 - 30%; mixed paint 20 - 30%; enamel 15 - 25% (not including extender pigment).
Water-based paint: different colors according to the amount of configuration.
Water-based paint: different colors according to the amount of configuration. Products with good dispersion, storage stability, and application of the system has good compatibility with other ingredients, can enhance the anti-rust paint, anti-UV properties.
The amount of pigment in paint formulations Reference: Primer 25 - 30%; mixed paint 20 - 30%; enamel 15 - 25% (not including extender pigment).
Water-based paint: different colors according to the amount of configuration.
彩砂 天然彩砂 染色彩砂 河北彩砂 彩砂厂 真石漆彩砂http://www.qxcaisha.com 我厂经营范围广泛,主要包括氧化铁红、氧化铁黄、氧化铁绿、氧化铁蓝、氧化铁黑等。 本厂生产的氧化铁红被广泛用于涂料、油漆、油墨、建材、橡胶、塑料、陶瓷、电子、医药、造纸等行业,公司标准完全符合国家GB1863-89技术要求。
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